Day 53: Voluntary Accountability

Read 2 Corinthians 7:1-10

It was a great idea I never wanted to do. My best friend suggested that I write him a $500 check; if I didn’t finish my project before my deadline, he could cash the check. “Then I bet you’d get it done on time!” He grinned! I did have a problem with meeting deadlines, but I didn’t want to change that much! I preferred being late to risking the loss of $500. But other risks, like sin, are far greater than the cost of enlisting others to hold us accountable. Accountability is another reason why God made Christian community (Galatians 6:1‐2).

Our Lord Jesus calls us to hold one another answerable for our “salvation work out.” Few of us want to risk the vulnerability and, frankly, embarrassment. We cannot deny that abuses of trust and reports of controlling behavior have made such relationships suspect. Yet, if we do not enlist help from others, we are left alone in our battles against sin. Factor in the devil and the world and we are outnumbered. Important as they are, accountability relationships cannot be imposed. Such arrangements must be voluntary.

Historically, when people became members of a church, mutual accountability was assumed. Churches that try this today see people move to other churches or quit church altogether. So, in your fight against sin, who do you trust enough to give permission to ask you the hard questions? Someone you can let into your heart (2 Corinthians 7:2). Someone who can ask questions that may even hurt for a little while, but that will lead you to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:8‐9). This person would be your confidant, your ally, your sounding board to provide objectivity (after all, we love to deceive ourselves), your prayer support, and the one who can also pronounce God’s grace when you fail. Identify that person ASAP and partner for positive change.