O U R   M I S S I O N   I S   T O


What We Believe

Grace Alone

God loves us, even though we rebel against Him. God sent Jesus to give us what we did not deserve: forgiveness, life, and salvation.

Faith Alone

Those who hear the good news of Jesus and believe it are rescued from a fate worse than death. Jesus creates faith in us through His Word.

Scripture Alone

The Bible is where we go to find out what we believe; our reason and experience must submit to God's Word.

To learn more about what we believe as a faith family, spend some time reading through the Book of New Beginnings.

since our start in 2000

God has rallied New Beginnings together for a time such as this: to share Jesus with thousands of people locally and hundreds of thousands globally. This happens person-to-person and house-to-house through prayer, care, and share with our family and friends wherever we live, work, and play. This also happens city-to-city and nation-to-nation by starting different churches that reach different people.

We’ve seen God’s faithfulness week after week as our church is being used by Him to reach people with Jesus’ love. But God’s work in and through NBLC to shape the life of Christ in each of us isn’t finished yet. No matter where we each are in our faith journey, we can all come to know Christ more, work out more fully the new life He worked in us through baptism, and center our lives more completely on making Christ known.

We consider it a great opportunity to help people discover the transforming power of faith in Jesus Christ.
Want to join us? We'd love to have you.

The WISDOM Lifestyle

We gather in worship to receive what God alone gives and we scatter to share it where we live, work, and play. We pursue the WISDOM lifestyle, but none of us have it mastered. As people in process, we trust God’s promise in Scripture which says "that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6)