Day 73: Vocations
Read Matthew 6:9,11
I don't know about you, but I've never seen God's hand reach down from heaven and hand me a slice of bread. Never. I've prayed for daily bread, but I end up buying it. Or people have given me bread. If you think about it, everything we need to support our bodies and lives comes from people. But Jesus would have us view people's work as God's generous provision. God is at work through people. That is how God gives us today our daily bread. It's not that people are God, but God is in disguise.
Consider how many people God uses to get us a Bread Co. bagel? Farmers, bankers, truck drivers, factory workers, stock clerks, bakers, investors, advertisers, lawyers, meal preppers, cashiers, and the list goes on. Like the prophet Isaiah said to God, "Truly you are a God who hides Himself" (Isaiah 45:15). Even though we do not see God, He is present and active in our lives. God is hidden behind the love of our parents. God is disguised through the care of our spouses. Even our children play a part in God's work in the world. This fact makes all of our roles into 'holy callings.'
In the medieval days, people spoke of God's call in the context of monasteries, convents, and cathedrals. People thought of priests and nuns as doing God's sacred work. Everything else was considered mundane (i.e. of this world). But recognizing God's work in and through us elevates everything we do. When moms change diapers, they are raising the Lord's children. When husbands do dishes, they love the bride of Christ. Students approach homework as assignments from God. When soldiers fight, God protects our country.
God's work and our vocations (i.e. holy callings) happen in four contexts: our homes, our church, our work, and our community. We are citizens, employees, members, children, spouses, and/or parents.
Father, You meet all my needs by Your grace in Jesus and through the people you have put in my life. Use me also for Your purposes.
I don't know about you, but I've never seen God's hand reach down from heaven and hand me a slice of bread. Never. I've prayed for daily bread, but I end up buying it. Or people have given me bread. If you think about it, everything we need to support our bodies and lives comes from people. But Jesus would have us view people's work as God's generous provision. God is at work through people. That is how God gives us today our daily bread. It's not that people are God, but God is in disguise.
Consider how many people God uses to get us a Bread Co. bagel? Farmers, bankers, truck drivers, factory workers, stock clerks, bakers, investors, advertisers, lawyers, meal preppers, cashiers, and the list goes on. Like the prophet Isaiah said to God, "Truly you are a God who hides Himself" (Isaiah 45:15). Even though we do not see God, He is present and active in our lives. God is hidden behind the love of our parents. God is disguised through the care of our spouses. Even our children play a part in God's work in the world. This fact makes all of our roles into 'holy callings.'
In the medieval days, people spoke of God's call in the context of monasteries, convents, and cathedrals. People thought of priests and nuns as doing God's sacred work. Everything else was considered mundane (i.e. of this world). But recognizing God's work in and through us elevates everything we do. When moms change diapers, they are raising the Lord's children. When husbands do dishes, they love the bride of Christ. Students approach homework as assignments from God. When soldiers fight, God protects our country.
God's work and our vocations (i.e. holy callings) happen in four contexts: our homes, our church, our work, and our community. We are citizens, employees, members, children, spouses, and/or parents.
Father, You meet all my needs by Your grace in Jesus and through the people you have put in my life. Use me also for Your purposes.