Day 72: Decide In Your Own Heart

Take a day to pause and reflect on what you've learned over the last five days.

When you meet with your connect group, take time in the beginning to go around the circle and share your annual income. NOT! People typically don't discuss how much money they make. Nor do we want to discuss how much we give away. This is probably for the best. Even the Bible keeps these financial decisions personal: "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)

We do not give under the compulsion of the Law, but motivated by God's grace. We prayerfully decide what God would have us give, informed by God's Word. What you give is between you and Jesus. We won't discuss that, but the Biblical topic of generosity and investing in God's mission is definitely worthy of conversation. Discuss the following questions with your family or friends (or connect group!). (As a reminder, if you're unable to meet with anyone, we invite you to journal through these things by yourself.)

  1. Which day's reading and/or passage of Scripture was the most significant for you this week? Why?
  2. What have you learned about people (or yourself) in the past day's readings and prayer times?
  3. What have you learned about God in the past day's readings and prayer times?
  4. What changes in your life have you felt the Holy Spirit nudging you to make this week?

[I must give credit to Andy Stanley for phrases like, 'for you not from you', 'priority percentage giving', and more! Check out his book, How to be Rich.]