Day 17: NetWorking

Read Matthew 4:18-22

Jesus calls all of His followers to be "fishers of people." The original disciples didn't fish with a rod and reel, but in teams using nets. Likewise, we understand sharing our faith as a group event—that is one reason we talk about "NetWorking" (more on this later).

Another reason we talk about NetWorking is that nearly every Christian is "networked" with an average of seven unchurched family and friends.
Let's do an activity to discover the unchurched in your life:
Draw this image on a piece of paper (or save the image and do this activity on your phone). Write your name on the person in the center and then write the names of your NetWork of family and friends in the surrounding circles (these are, ideally, people you can/do see at least one hour each week).

Once you have identified who God has placed around you, prayerfully consider for whom God wants you to intentionally Prayer for, Care for, and Share with. And let's not forget Elaine's punchline in Seinfeld. We don't want family and friends to think we view them with a bullseye on their foreheads for Jesus. We will pray for them to know Christ. We will care for them in tangible ways and look for ways to share the good news. But even if they make it clear that Jesus and/or His church are not an option, we know God put us together on purpose. So let's just love them!