Join us Saturday, March 8th for Trivia & Silent Auction Night! This event will help support our youth for their trip to the National Youth Gathering in July.

There will be prizes for the best decorated table, mulligans, silent auction items, raffles, free munchies and refreshments. Find out more and get your tickets below!


New Beginnings Lutheran Church
791 New Beginnings Drive
Pacific, MO 63069

Doors Open

5:30 p.m.

Trivia Starts

6:30 p.m.

Silent Auction Items Needed for Trivia Night

If you or anyone you know would be interested in providing a basket, wreath, or any item for the silent auction at Trivia Night, call/text Mike Dobsch at (314) 560-7094. If you have business contacts willing to provide a donation, please have them contact Mike as well.

All donations must be received by Sunday, February 23rd. This allows time to inventory and organize, as well as create bid sheets for each item.