Joining Jesus On His Mission

Baptized believers are all ordained by God to share the reason for the hope they have (1 Peter 3:15). We simply do this by looking for where God is at work, listening to Jesus through His Word, befriending others, and looking for how we can do good through actions and prayer.

These simple practices are explained in detail in a three-book series by Pastor Greg Finke.

Family Connect Group

This is a great opportunity for your whole family to meet new friends and create lasting relationships centered in the common goal to help our kids live the fruitful and fulfilling life of a Jesus-follower. Sign-up below and we'll get you in contact with other families seeking the same!

'Show Me How'
Connect Group Resources

The way Jesus disciples people is simple and results in unschooled, ordinary followers participating in the mission of the Father and discipling others to do the same. This book will help you regain the clarity and simplicity of how Jesus disciples people in the gospels so that you can disciple your children, friends, neighbors or fellow church members to get up, follow Jesus and join him on his mission, too.

About Greg Finke

Greg Finke is a LCMS pastor, author, missionary executive, and the founder of Dwelling 1:14. We have invited him to walk alongside us at New Beginnings to share a joyful and carefree approach to living out God‘s call to every Christian to join Jesus on His mission.

Dwelling 1:14 is about helping Jesus-followers like you connect with other Jesus-followers in your neighborhoods, workplaces and schools for the sake of discipling and living out the mission of Jesus day by day.