Day 66: Something Greater Than Me

Take a day to pause and reflect on what you've learned over the last five days.

To achieve something greater than yourself, you need to be a part of something greater than yourself. You cannot personally reach the whole world alone. That is why God puts us together with other Christ-followers to form congregations. Congregations band together to form alliances for an even larger impact upon the world. Paul the apostle leveraged these types of partnerships through his missionary journeys beginning in Acts 13:1-3.

This global network scales all the way down to the size of your connect group! God put you together on purpose, for a purpose! Therefore, discuss the following with others. (As a reminder, if you're unable to meet with friends or family right now to discuss these questions, we invite you to journal through these things by yourself.)

  1. Which day's reading and/or passage of Scripture was the most significant for you this week? Why?
  2. What have you learned about people (or yourself) in the past day's readings and prayer times?
  3. What have you learned about God in the past day's readings and prayer times?
  4. What changes in your life have you felt the Holy Spirit nudging you to make this week?